Production Time: 4 working days
Price per Item (R)
150 - 249
250 - 499
500 - 999
1000 - 2499

Setup Charge: $40.00/v Each
Repeat Setup Charge: $15/v
Ink Change Charge: $15/v

Item Colors:

Current Inventory


Enter product quantity, minimum 150 pieces:

Ink Color and Location Selection:

Please refer to the template linkedfor exact imprint size and placement.

Please select a printable location
Use Location 1 Use Location 2
red, blue, pink

Ink Colors:
Please select number of colors to print, Click here to see examples of available colors

Color-separated vector based artwork required, with all text converted to paths and no placed art.
You can also email art to if you prefer.

Imprint Color : (optional)
Upload Artwork : (optional) (Max file size is 5MB)
Setup Charge : (optional)
Previous PoNos : (optional)
PMS Colors : (optional)
Additional information : (optional)
Imprint Color: (optional)
Upload Artwork: (optional) (Max file size is 5MB)
Setup Charge: (optional)
Previous PoNos: (optional)
PMS Colors: (optional)
Additional information: (optional)
Typeset : (optional)
Typeset Text : (optional)
Typeset: (optional)
Typeset Text: (optional)

Ink Colors:
Please select number of colors to print, Click here to see examples of available colors

Color-separated vector based artwork required, with all text converted to paths and no placed art.
You can also email art to if you prefer.

Setup Charge:
First Time $40/v Repeat orders $15/v

Additional information:
Typeset ($15/v)

Sales Tools
Product Size: 4" x 4"
Imprint Area: 2" x 2"
Price Includes: One color, one location imprint.
PMS color match available for additional charge.
Additional charge of $0.15/v per piece for metallic colors
Star shaped cold pack filled with cool soothing gel is a perfect health care promotion for hospitals, doctor's offices or health fairs. Provides cool relief. This is a useful, beneficial promotional product that features a great imprint area. Available in 3 stock colors; order by color. Products are not intended for use by children or pets. They may present a choking hazard to children under 3 years of age.
DO NOT FREEZE, Refrigerator-friendly ONLY
Stock Colors Available:
3105232: Red Flower
3105233: Blue Flower
3105237: Pink Flower

Product Size: 4" x 4"
Imprint Area: 2" x 2"
Price Includes: One color, one location imprint.
PMS color match available for additional charge.
Production Time: 4 working days
Price per Item (R)
150 - 249
250 - 499
500 - 999
1000 - 2499

Setup Charge: $40.00/v Each
Repeat Setup Charge: $15/v
Ink Change Charge: $15/v
Run Charges: Run charge for the first color/location imprint is included in the price. Additional imprint colors or locations will incur a charge of $0.28/v per piece for quantities under 1,000 pieces. Quantities over 1,000 pieces will be charged $0.20/v. A set-up charge of $40/v will be charged for each color/location.
Metallic Ink: $0.15/v per piece
Typeset Charge: $15/v
PMS Matching Charge: $35/v
Would you like an imprint on the product?

Item Colors:

Current Inventory

Inventory: -8250

Enter product quantity, minimum 150 pieces:


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