Production Time: 4 working days
Price per Item (R)
150 - 249
250 - 499
500 - 999
1000 - 2499

Setup Charge: $40.00/v Each
Repeat Setup Charge: $15/v
Ink Change Charge: $15/v

Item Colors:

Current Inventory


Enter product quantity, minimum 150 pieces:

Ink Color and Location Selection:

Location One is the pen clip, Location two is the barrel. Please refer to the template linkedfor exact imprint size and placement. If you would like a location other than option 1 or 2, please use additional info box in art section to let us know.

Please select a printable location
Use Location 1 Use Location 2
black, red, blue

Ink Colors:
Please select number of colors to print, Click here to see examples of available colors

Color-separated vector based artwork required, with all text converted to paths and no placed art.
You can also email art to if you prefer.

Imprint Color : (optional)
Upload Artwork : (optional) (Max file size is 5MB)
Setup Charge : (optional)
Previous PoNos : (optional)
PMS Colors : (optional)
Additional information : (optional)
Imprint Color: (optional)
Upload Artwork: (optional) (Max file size is 5MB)
Setup Charge: (optional)
Previous PoNos: (optional)
PMS Colors: (optional)
Additional information: (optional)
Typeset : (optional)
Typeset Text : (optional)
Typeset: (optional)
Typeset Text: (optional)

Ink Colors:
Please select number of colors to print, Click here to see examples of available colors

Color-separated vector based artwork required, with all text converted to paths and no placed art.
You can also email art to if you prefer.

Setup Charge:
First Time $40/v Repeat orders $15/v

Additional information:
Typeset ($15/v)

Sales Tools
Product Size: 4.75" x .75"
Imprint Area: 1.25" x .25", (car): 1" x .25"
Price Includes: One color, one location imprint.
PMS color match available for additional charge.
Additional charge of $0.15/v per piece for metallic colors
With your company's custom imprint or logo on this ballpoint push top pen with race car shape your clients will be racing around their desks to show it off! With it's attention grabbing shape this pen will definitely show off your company's information. Auto dealers, auto mechanics, racing enthusiasts, or any other automobile related industry will fall in love with this pen! Available in 3 colors; order by color. Products are not intended for use by children or pets. They may present a choking hazard to children under 3 years of age.
Available Colors:
2431531: Black
2431533: Blue
2431532: Red

Product Size: 4.75" x .75"
Imprint Area: 1.25" x .25", (car): 1" x .25"
Price Includes: One color, one location imprint.
PMS color match available for additional charge.
Production Time: 4 working days
Price per Item (R)
150 - 249
250 - 499
500 - 999
1000 - 2499

Setup Charge: $40.00/v Each
Repeat Setup Charge: $15/v
Ink Change Charge: $15/v
Run Charges: Run charge for the first color/location imprint is included in the price. Additional imprint colors or locations will incur a charge of $0.28/v per piece for quantities under 1,000 pieces. Quantities over 1,000 pieces will be charged $0.20/v. A set-up charge of $40/v will be charged for each color/location.
Metallic Ink: $0.15/v per piece
Typeset Charge: $15/v
PMS Matching Charge: $35/v
Would you like an imprint on the product?

Item Colors:

Current Inventory

Inventory: -1900

Enter product quantity, minimum 150 pieces:


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